Tuesday, October 9, 2007

comfort eating

tonight: tortilla black bean pie. because the husband requested it.
from: everyday foods (of course)

on deck: chicken enchiladas with pumpkin sauce
in the near future: jamie oliver maryland chicken with bananas and corn (and prosciutto!)

the triple ginger cookies were as easy and delicious as a cookie should be. and widely appreciated. delicious with vanilla gelato as an impromptu ice cream sammich.

i bought beautiful, beautiful calvin klein boa-print and suede slingback heels. i am sorely, sorely tempted to wear them before i get them re-soled but i will regret it the second the lovely leather soles get scuffed up. delayed gratification is SO HARD. grumblegrumble.

Monday, October 1, 2007

tastes like fall

i am deeply, deeply smitten with this cookie. i talked about baking them for days after i saw the recipe online. i assembled all of the ingredients last night (minus, sadly, butter. how did this house have NO BUTTER??). and i baked them today. they are gloriously ginger-y, delicious, and attractive. new cookie-crush is here.

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